What to Do During an Outage
Know How to Stay Safe
Power outages can come from a variety of causes — anything from car crashes and animals to severe weather. Outages can occur on the brightest of sunny days and during our sudden, and sometimes severe, Central Texas thunderstorms.
At Austin Energy, the safety of our crews and customers is our utmost concern.
Call 9-1-1 if you have a medical emergency or your life is at risk. Do not wait for your power to be turned back on.
Follow these tips to stay safe during power outages:
Avoid downed power lines
If safe, check your breakers
Get flashlights or battery-operated lanterns
Be safe with portable emergency generators
Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed
Turn off major appliances
Do not attempt to assist emergency and utility crews
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about power outages, you may find your answer below.
What's causing my outage?
What do I do if a member of my family relies on a ventilator or other medical equipment?
What should I do if I see a downed power line?
What is Austin Energy doing about trees that cause power outages?
How does Austin Energy communicate about widespread and long-lasting outages?
How does Austin Energy decide whose power is turned on first?
Why did the power come back on in my neighbor's house, but not mine?
A utility vehicle is parked down the street. Can I ask the crew for an update?
Why did an Austin Energy vehicle leave my neighborhood before my power was restored?