Get Outage Alerts

Report Power Outages by Text Message

When you sign up to receive Outage Alerts text messages from Austin Energy, you will be able to quickly report power outages and receive status updates using your mobile phone. Make sure everyone in your household is registered!

Two ways to register

  • Text REG to 287846
    • You’ll be prompted to enter your ZIP code, and will be asked to accept the Terms and Conditions. Austin Energy doesn’t charge for Outage Alerts, but standard message and data rates may apply.
    • If you are not calling from the number associated with your account, you’ll be prompted for an account number.

  • Visit your Power Outage Alert Preferences center
    • Click the text message icon, then add a phone number and contact name. Multiple contacts can be added.
    • You can choose between English or Spanish and set “do not disturb” hours.
    • You can also register for email alerts by selecting the email icon. Please note that email alerts provide only status updates. Outages cannot be reported by email.

How to Use

To report an outage by text message, text OUT to 287846. Text STAT to request a status update. PAUSE will pause texts temporarily, while STOP will opt-out of Outage Alerts. You can text HELP at any time to see available options.

The Outage Alert system also recognizes simple phrases, like “My power is out” or “When will my power be back on?

Helpful tips

  • Add 287846 to your contacts list as Austin Energy Outage Alerts
  • If you have more than five accounts associated with your phone number, call 512-494-9400 for assistance

Outage Alert FAQ

  • Can I sign up for the outage alert service without having a power outage?
    Yes. You can sign up for Outage Alerts at any time.
  • What information do I need before I can sign up for Outage Alerts?
    Your 10-digit City of Austin Utilities account number OR the phone number associated with your account, and the ZIP code of the service address. You can find the account number on your paper bill or on your eBill, or through City of Austin Utilities Online Customer Care. Include any leading or trailing zeros.
  • How can I find my account number if my lights are off and my computer and wireless router have no power?
    • Phone Number on the Account — You can also report an outage without your account number by giving Austin Energy the phone number associated with your account, along with your ZIP code.
    • eBill — If you receive an eBill through your email account, and you can access email on your mobile phone, you can locate the account number on the eBill. Include leading or trailing zeros.
    • Paper Bill — If you have a paper bill, and can locate it with a flashlight, the account number is located on the upper right-hand side. Include leading or trailing zeros.
  • How do I use outage alerts?

    The Outage Alert system recognizes simple text messages like:

    “Register me for outage alerts”

    “My power is out”

    “When will my power be back on?”

    You may use also use the following text message codes to communicate with Austin Energy during a power outage:

    SMS Text Messaging Codes
    Description English (full) English (short) Español
    Register for Outage Alerts REGISTER REG RGS
    Report a power outage OUTAGE OUT APAGON
    Check power restoration status STATUS STAT ESTADO
    Temporarily stop receiving Outage Alerts PAUSE PAU INTERRUMPIR
    Resume receiving Outage Alerts RESUME RES CONTINUAR
    Cancel Outage Alerts STOP STOP ALTO
    Get help with Outage Alerts HELP HELP AYUDA

  • Why did I receive a text message telling me that my power has been restored? My power is still out.
    If power around you has been restored but yours is still out, you may have a nested outage — more than one issue leading to your power loss. Austin Energy may not be aware of this secondary outage, so please report it by texting OUT to 287846.
  • I'm already signed up for Outage Alerts. My power came back on briefly and then went out again. Should I text OUT again?
    Yes. If your lights come on but then go back out, text OUT to 287846.

    Sí. Envíe APAGON por mensaje de texto a 287846 para reportar un apagó.
  • I'm trying to report an outage by text, but keep getting an error message. What should I do?
    Please call 512-322-9100 and speak with a Customer Care Representative.
  • Should I use the outage alert service to report street lights being out?
    No, Outage Alerts are for power outages only. To report a street light out, call 3-1-1. You can also report it using the 3-1-1 online service request or download the 3-1-1 mobile app.
  • If I sign up for outage alert updates, may I still call the outage phone number?
    Yes. Even if you have signed up for Outage Alerts, you can always report an outage by calling 512-322-9100.
  • How can I sign up for alerts if I have more than five accounts?
    If you have more than five Austin Energy electric service accounts, you need to call 512-494-9400 and a representative will help you.
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Date last reviewed or modified: 05/31/2023