Meter & Service Wire Charges
Contribution in Aid to Construction (CIAC) Charges
For residential services where an Austin Energy design is not required, Austin Energy will charge the following:
- Residential overhead service with standard 200 amp meter, up to 75 feet of service wire = $400.
- Residential overhead service with standard 320 amp meter, up to 55 feet of service wire = $400.
- Residential underground service with standard 200 amp meter, up to 150 feet of service wire = $800.
- Residential underground service with standard 320 amp meter, up to 150 feet of service wire = $1600.
- Standard single phase meter (up to 320 amps) where service wire is provided by customer or was included in an Austin Energy Design = $200.
- Standard three phase meter where service wire is provided by customer or was included in an Austin Energy Design = $300.
- Specialty metering equipment will be subject to actual cost.
- Affordable Housing receives percent discount based on SMART Housing Certification.
For projects where an Austin Energy Design is required, Austin Energy's meter and service wire charges will be included in the total line extension cost.