
Verify Your New Home's Energy Efficiency

ECAD Check Status
Our ECAD check status service is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. To contact the ECAD team, please email ECAD or call 512-482-5346. 

For residential properties with four or fewer dwellings, the Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure (ECAD) ordinance (pdf) requires home sellers to disclose comprehensive home energy details to buyers during a real estate transaction.

The ECAD ordinance applies to homes:

  • Within the Austin Energy service area
  • Within the Austin city limits
  • 10 years old or older

If you are buying a home that meets the criteria listed above, Austin Energy recommends asking your real estate agent for one of the following prior to closing:

  • A copy of the home’s ECAD audit results performed by an ECAD Energy Professional or
  • Proof of participation in a qualifying Austin Energy program

There are no other requirements for the buyer. Use ECAD audit results and Austin Energy’s incentives for future energy-efficiency improvements to your new home.

View our ECAD Guide to learn more about Austin Energy programs that help homeowners meet ECAD requirements:

Exemptions and Variances

Not all homes require an ECAD audit. Learn more about ECAD exemptions and variances.

For complete program details, visit ECAD for Residential Customers.

Contact Us

Please email ECAD or call 512-482-5346 if you have any questions or need additional information about the ECAD ordinance.

House Icon

See if your house or the one you are buying is ECAD compliant.

Date last reviewed or modified: 03/14/2025