Energy Professionals

Choose From Our List of Qualified Energy Auditors

All ECAD residential and multifamily energy disclosures must be performed by qualified ECAD Energy Professionals:

Qualified ECAD Energy Professionals are certified Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) Raters or Building Performance Institute (BPI) Building Analyst Professionals.

If you have any questions or concerns about your ECAD Energy Professional, please email ECAD

What the Energy Professional Does

For residential homes, an ECAD audit takes about one hour per 1,000 sq ft of property. The ECAD Energy Professional:

  • Inspects and measures the attic insulation in multiple areas
  • Pressure tests the duct system and assesses its condition and adequacy
  • Examines heating and cooling equipment
  • Inspects weather stripping around exterior doors, plumbing penetrations beneath sinks, and air tightness of attic entries
  • Identifies and measures the amount of glass in windows that receive more than one hour of direct sunlight each day

Energy Audit Costs

ECAD audits are comprehensive and require specialized equipment for testing the duct system.

The average estimated cost of an audit is from $200 to $300 for a typical single-family home 1,800 sq ft or smaller with one air-conditioning system. ECAD energy professionals set their own prices.

Energy Audit Results

After the audit is complete, the auditor will provide the energy audit results to you. The report includes:

  • Condition and estimated R-value of the attic insulation
  • Percentage of air leakage from the duct system and the system’s general condition
  • Age, efficiency, and overall condition of the heating and cooling equipment
  • Air leakage around exterior doors, plumbing penetrations beneath sinks, and attic entries
  • Total square feet of glass and location of windows receiving more than one hour of direct sunlight each day
  • Opportunities for improving the energy efficiency of the home

Within 30 days, the ECAD Energy Professional will send the audit results to Austin Energy. Austin Energy runs spot checks of ECAD audits to ensure program quality and compliance.

Austin Energy does not endorse any specific product or vendor.  The property owner is responsible for selecting an auditor. Inclusion in Austin Energy’s ECAD Auditor Directory is for informational purposes only, and no representations, guarantees, or warranties, expressed or implied, are made as to any product, individual, or company.

Contact Us

Please email ECAD or call 512-482-5346 if you have any questions or need additional information about the ECAD ordinance.

Date last reviewed or modified: 06/23/2022