Incentives for Solar Systems Available for Your Business

Install Solar at Your Business, Non-Profit or Commercial Property

Solar panels above car parking; produces shade and collecting energy

Austin Energy offers incentives to help reduce the cost of installing your solar energy system.

Your company or non-profit may be eligible to receive monthly bill credits.

  • Austin Energy Solar Incentives

    Austin Energy offers a solar incentive to business and nonprofit customers installing solar systems. These customers can apply to help lower the cost of installing solar. Through the Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) your business may be eligible to earn an additional credit on your monthly electricity bill for the power generated by your solar system. The rebate amount is usually based on the size of the system. Austin Energy determines the payment by multiplying the rebate level with the monthly production of the system.

    Additionally, all solar systems earn monthly bill credits that apply towards the electric portion of the bill for the energy produced by their on-site energy system.

    Learn more about the Value of Solar Bill Credit 

    Work with an Austin Energy Solar contractor to qualify for incentives and rebates.

    Austin Energy recommends gathering multiple quotes from participating solar contractors. The cost of a solar power installation varies depending on the size and specific details. The participating contractor can estimate the cost and the amount of electricity you can expect from your system.

    Once you have selected a contractor, they will submit the incentive application on your behalf. See Participating Solar Contractors for more details.

    Nonprofit Customers     
      Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) 
    System Size Any

    Rebate Level

    <400 kW - 8¢ per kWh
    400-999 kW - 6¢ per kWh
    >1 MW - 4¢ per kWh

    Payment Method Bill credits or check to customer (upon request)
    Duration 5 years
    Payment Calculation Monthly production x rebate level


    Business with Installations Smaller than 75 kW
      Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) 
    System Size <75 kW 
    Rebate Level 8¢ per kWh
    Payment Method Bill credits or check to customer (upon request)
    Duration 5 years
    Payment Calculation Monthly production x rebate level


    Commercial Businesses
      Medium Large Extra Large
    System Size <400 kW 400-999 kW >1 MW
    Rebate Level 8¢ per kWh 6¢ per kWh 4¢ per kWh
    Payment Method Utility Bill credit             
    Duration 5 years
    Payment Calculation Monthly production x rebate level


  • Eligibility

    Performance-Based Incentive (PBI) Eligibility

    • You must have an Austin Energy commercial electric utility account at the service address where the solar system will be installed.
    • One incentive application is required per interconnection.
    • You must use a participating solar contractor to be eligible for an Austin Energy Incentive.
    • Extra Large Commercial (>1 MW) must comply with section D of the Austin Energy Distribution Interconnection Guide (pdf).

    Third-party solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are not allowed in Austin Energy’s service territory.

  • How to Apply
    1. Determine if the Austin Energy Solar Incentive is right for your business or non-profit.  
    2. Contact participating solar contractors to request bids.
      • Austin Energy recommends to get at least three estimates from different companies.
    3. The participating solar contractor you select will apply for the Austin Energy incentive on your behalf.
      • Austin Energy will review the application to determine eligibility.
      • The contractor will complete a Customer Agreement Form and then seek your signature to confirm project details.
      • Upon initial review, Austin Energy will issue an Encumbrance Letter if your project is deemed eligible.
      • Upon the Encumbrance, your contractor will be asked to submit additional project documentation.
      • Once fully approved, Austin Energy will issue a Letter of Intent to you and the participating solar contractor.
      • Austin Energy makes no financial commitment to applicants before the Letter of Intent LOI is issued. If the project is not completed before the LOI expires, the applicant will need to reapply at the prevailing incentive rate.
      • Projects installed before receiving Incentive Program approval from Austin Energy will not be eligible for program incentives.
    4. Your solar contractor will apply for necessary permits, and then install the system.
      • The contractor will coordinate with the various City of Austin departments to schedule the relevant inspections.
      • Included is the Austin Energy final inspection to ensure proper installation and compliance with Austin Energy's Incentive Program Guidelines, National Electric Code, and Austin Energy's Design Criteria Manual (pdf) and Distribution Interconnection Guide (pdf)
    5. Once the system passes its inspections, Austin Energy will install a PV meter and your contractor can energize your system.
    6. After your system has been energized:
      • Customers will begin to receive PBI credits on their monthly bill in addition to the standard solar credits.
  • Find a Participating Solar Contractor

    Only participating solar contractors are eligible to offer Austin Energy’s rebate and incentives to customers who install solar power at their home or business.

    All participating contractors must abide by the Austin Energy Code of Conduct and Ethical Requirements (pdf) and the Austin Energy Solar Incentive Program Contractor Handbook (pdf) to remain on our participating contractors list.

    Find a participating solar contractor.

    You may still choose to use a solar company that is not listed , but they cannot offer you a solar rebate or incentive from Austin Energy

  • Earn Credits for Generating Solar: Connected to the Grid
    With an installed solar system, your business will remain connected to the grid. While you generate a portion of your own electricity when the sun is shining, Austin Energy continues to supply your electricity day or night when your system is not producing enough electricity for your building’s needs.
  • Documents
  • Solar Case Study: Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin

    Mother's Milk Bank rooftop solar panels

    The Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin (MMBA) facility activated 656 solar panels on its roof. The solar installation reduces high operating costs for the building, which houses walk-in freezers, offices, community rooms, and a research lab. “It makes the most sense to use our resources for families in need and use the sun to provide the energy we need to save babies and serve families,” says Kim Updegrove, Executive Director of MMBA.

    The facility is powered by rooftop solar, made possible in part by an Austin Energy Solar Incentive.

    Project Design Details

    solar panel icon

    656 solar panels.

    system size icon

    269 kW total system size.

    Austin Energy Solar Incentives

    • $268,960 up-front incentive from Austin Energy Capacity-Based Incentive (CBI) at $1.00/Watt installed.*
    • Value of Solar Bill Credits — average monthly savings of $2,900 or roughly 98% of their electricity costs.
    • 9.91 cents/kWh Solar Energy Production Credit from Austin Energy.

    Download the case study for Mothers’ Milk Bank at Austin (pdf)

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Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Offerings, program guidelines, and rebate levels are subject to change without prior notice.

Date last reviewed or modified: 08/15/2024