Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 (2030 Plan) Update

Austin Energy Updating Resource Generation Plan to Ensure Reaching Goal of 93% Carbon-Free Generation

The Austin Energy Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan to 2030 (pdf) (2030 Plan) is the utility’s guide to balancing how it produces electricity while achieving clean energy goals. It analyzes risks, costs, and opportunities regarding Austin Energy’s generation to meet future demand for electricity while meeting environmental, efficiency, and affordability goals.

Currently, Austin Energy’s electric generation assets include wind, solar, natural gas, coal, nuclear, biomass, and battery storage. In addition, Austin Energy makes significant investments in energy efficiency, which not only helps meet climate goals but also saves customers money.

In late 2022, the Austin City Council directed Austin Energy to update the 2030 Plan. The 2030 Plan commits Austin Energy to continue safely delivering clean, affordable and reliable energy sufficient to meet customer demands while pursuing the City of Austin’s climate protection and sustainability goals.

Because Austin’s community-owned utility serves all types of customers from renters and homeowners to schools and hospitals to small businesses and large industries, Austin Energy asked for feedback from all customer classes. The utility held both virtual and in-person meetings and distributed a survey to gather input from stakeholders throughout its 437-square-mile service territory.

This feedback will help inform Austin Energy as it develops recommended updates to the Plan that balances a reliable and affordable supply of electricity while pursuing the City of Austin’s climate protection and sustainability goals.

Learn more about the Resource Generation Plan Update.

Date last reviewed or modified: 10/02/2023